Rules and Regulations
Mission Statement: We are a QDM Club and expect Quality Deer Management thinking Club Members. If we work together to achieve a common goal of harvesting mature wildlife, then our club will grow and prosper. We all have the same goal and will work together to achieve memorable and productive hunting experiences for years to come.
- We will always be respectful of the property owner's interest.
- We will be respectful of our members, the rules and will conduct ourselves in a positive manner.
- We will be respectful of neighboring land owners and hunt clubs.
- We will attempt to greet an unauthorized person or persons located on the property with respect.
- We will not interfere with legitimate business of the property owners, i.e. timber harvest, farming, real estate sales, etc.
- We will not discard trash of any type on any leased property.
- We will remove such trash items found on the property as not to have the club held responsible.
- We will not drive nails, spikes or other steel objects into any marketable timber.
- We will post property signs on trees with staples only.
1: Regulations: We will follow all federal, state and local game laws.
1a: A NC and/or VA hunting license number will be required annually for all members and guests.
1b: Members must agree to the club rules and regulations on an annual basis via an online form.
1c: Any fees or fines incurred during the year must be paid in full prior to hunting any property.
2: Harvest: We are a Quality Deer Management Club only.
2a: Trophy Tracts: Bucks harvested should meet at least 3 of the 4 following guidelines to count as a legal harvest and to avoid a fine. Minimum of 8 points, 15 inch inside spread, 18 inch main beam length, 3.5 years old. To count as a point the tine length must be 1 inch or greater.
2b: Non-Trophy Tracts: Bucks harvested should meet at least 2 of the 4 following guidelines to count as a legal harvest and to avoid a fine. Minimum of 8 points, 15 inch inside spread, 18 inch main beam length, 3.5 years old. To count as a point the tine length must be 1 inch or greater.
2c: Doe Harvest: Trophy tracts may be restricted to one doe harvest per member. This will be determined before the season starts and will be re-evaluated on a year to year basis. This information will be posted on the club forum. If a one doe harvest is in place on a tract, then there will be no doe tag swapping between members. Non-Trophy tracts are not restricted at this time.
2d: Piebald and Albino deer are legal to harvest without meeting any restrictions.
2e: A fine will be imposed on any bucks harvested that are less than the required club guidelines. A fine $200 for Non-Trophy Tracts and a fine of $300 for Trophy Tracts will be imposed and must be paid before the member's next hunt. Multiple under criteria harvests can result in expulsion from the club.
2f: If at any time a club member, and/or visitor fails to disclose the harvest of a small buck, that member will be expelled from the club without reimbursement at the time that the deception is confirmed.
2g: A child's first buck can be of any size and will not incur a fine. This applies only the child of club member and not a guest.
2h: Pictures of ALL harvests (regardless of the sex of the deer) will be posted to the forum for all members to see. Pictures must be posted within 24 hours of the harvest. Failure to do so will result in a minimum fine as described above.
2i: If a member wants the picture of their harvest/trophy to be posted publicly on the club’s external website, it is required that a tactful and tasteful picture of your harvest be submitted. For example: Tongue placed in mouth; blood cleaned up as best as possible; trophy posed in a upright and prominent manner.
2j: If a member is using AGE as one of the criteria to fulfill buck harvest requirements, the member will extract the lower incisors for the buck and have the teeth sent off for cementum aging analysis OR agree to let management estimate the buck's age based on pictures submitted for management review. If the member elects to let management make the decision based on pictures, the member can also submit trail camera pictures of the buck taken over the years to assist in making that age determination.
2k: For a buck that is questionable, the member will not remove the antlers from the skull until pictures have been submitted to management for review, measurements have been taken and management has rendered a decision on if the buck meets criteria. A member can skull cap the buck provided that the antlers remain attached an intact.
2l: All members will make racks available to managers for visual inspection upon request. Failure to do so will result in a maximum fine as described above.
2m: A mature deer that may lack the stated/mandated criteria, will be judged on a case by case basis by management.
2n: Each time a member or guest harvests an animal, including deer, bear, or turkey, the member must submit that information to our harvest spreadsheet or give that information to manager to input as soon as possible. All fields on the harvest sheet are required including the State DNR Authorization# (obtained when the deer is entered into the states DNR system).
2o: Deer Harvests by Guests:
2o1: Guests are limited to one (1) buck harvest per hunting season (regardless of tract).
2o2: Guests are limited to two (2) total deer harvests on ANY given tract per hunting season.
2o3: Guests are limited to three (3) total deer harvests per season regardless of tract.
2o4: So with a "One Buck" restriction, this means that the most deer a guest can harvest on ALL club tracts for any given hunting season are three (3). One (1) buck and two (2) does.
2o5: A member’s spouse and children are considered as a guest for these guest harvest rules.
3: Visitors/Guests: Guests are allowed on a unlimited basis but will incur daily fees. There will be no harvest fees.
3a: Guest fees will now be a "booklet/ticket" type of system and will be purchased in advance.
3b: An electronic booklet will be put in the forum. Each "ticket" is worth $20. Every time you hunt with a guest on a non-trophy tract, your "ticket" balance will be deducted by one ticket ($20). Every time you hunt with a guest on a trophy tract, your "ticket" balance will be deducted by two tickets ($40).
3c: Tickets must be purchased in quantities of five (5) for $100; ten (10) for $190 or twenty (20) for $375.
3d: Unused tickets can be banked (carry over) to the next hunting season.
3e: Guests cannot hunt until you have purchased a booklet of tickets
3f: Deer: Daily fee of $40 on our trophy tracts and $20 fee on our non-trophy tracts.
3g: Bear: Daily fee of $20.
3h: Turkey: Daily fee of $20.
3i: Small Game: No daily fee.
3j: No 1/2 day rates.
3k: Guests under the age of 16 are exempt from the daily fee.
3l: Guests must hunt in the member's zone(s) and be on the same tract as the member.
3m: Guests must submit an online form accepting the club rules and regulations prior to hunting and must provide a valid NC or VA license number.
3n: Members will notify the club each and every time you and a guest are hunting prior to the day you are planning to hunt. Notification should be done on the club forum and must be posted in the sub-topic “Hunting the Property with Guest”.
3o: Guests are not allowed access unless escorted by a club member.
3p: Family members, i.e., children (21 or under, full-time college student, or active military) and spouses are welcome anytime. The same restrictions apply as not to interfere with a club members enjoyment or right to hunt.
3q: We prefer that children hunt with a member, and recommend a "buddy type" ladder stand. Unlicensed children of members must hunt under the direct control (within visual sight) of the licensed member.
3r: It is allowed to take someone outside the club to help place a deer stand, put out bait, etc. We suggest you take a perspective club member.
3s: Deer Harvests by Guests:
3sa: Guests are limited to one (1) buck harvest per hunting season (regardless of tract).
3sb: Guests are limited to two (2) total deer harvests on ANY given tract per hunting season.
3sc: Guests are limited to three (3) total deer harvests per season regardless of tract.
3sd: So with a "One Buck" restriction, this means that the most deer a guest can harvest on ALL club tracts for any given hunting season are three (3). One (1) buck and two (2) does.
3se: A member’s spouse and children are considered as a guest for these guest harvest rules.
4: Stands: Members are entitled to two secure zones in which to place stands (one per tract). Zones vary in size on different properties from 20 acres on a smaller tract to as much as 100 acres on a larger tract. These zones are protected from other members hunting, scouting, or encroachment. This is to ensure our members hard work, time in development, and material investment will not be taken advantage of by other members. No matter what season a hunter chooses to hunt, they will be guaranteed the opportunity to hunt a fresh zone without the concern of other members "beating them to the trophy" they have been working to harvest.
4a: Members can obtain their secure zones in a variety of ways.
4a1: They can claim any currently open zone that is marked as First Come - First Served (FCFS)
4a2: They can participate in zone drawings. Zone drawings are done using a lottery methodology and happen on all OPEN (unclaimed) zones at the beginning of each year AND for zones that come available as the club acquires new lease property AND for zones that are released by a member for any reason. For any given zone drawing, each interested member in good standing (regardless of how long they have been associated with the club), can enter into the drawing and have equal opportunity to secure that zone.
Each year, the first round of zone drawings will be limited to:
1) Establishing a new member’s two base zones OR
2) Replacing a current member’s existing zones
No new purchases of 3rd, 4th or 5th zones will be allowed. After the first round of drawings is completed any subsequent drawings will be open for additional zone purchases.
4a3: A member can trade zones with another member. Members cannot trade zones until each member has minimally paid the 1st installment of their yearly dues. If either of the members involved in the trade leave the club before they have paid their yearly dues in full, the trades are immediately reversed and the zones for the member that left will go into the drawing process. Both members involved in a trade must be in good standing for the current hunting year. No limit on zone trades other than the club mandate of 3 secure moves per year, per member.
4a4: A zone can be gifted from one family member to another family member without having to go through the drawing process. A gift is a 1-way exchange; Family Member A to Family Member B. If family members EXCHANGE zones, it is considered a trade as defined in rule 4a3. A member can do one (1) zone gift per hunting year. A gift does not count as a zone move. A family member for these purposes is defined as: Parent, Sibling, Spouse, Child, Grand Parent, Grand Child.
4b: Once a member secures a zone via one of the legal methods, that member can retain that zone for as long as he/she wants. This allows members the opportunity to work and develop their areas with long term QDM goals in mind.
4c: Default rule set: A member can have a maximum of two zones on any given tract. A member’s two base zones cannot be on the same tract.
The only circumstance that would allow a member to have 2 base zones on the same tract are:
a) If the member had three (3) zones. That would be one base zone on Tract A, one base zone on Tract B and a 3rd purchased zone on Tract A.
b) The member subsequently lost his/her zone on Tract B due to LOSS OF THE LEASE.
In this particular circumstance, the member would not be forced to drop one of his/her 2 remaining zones on Tract A and would not be forced to purchase a 3rd zone if he/she did not want to. If the member did obtain a new 3rd zone, then the rules would fall back to the default rule set at that point.
4d: Additional secure zones can be purchased by members for $400. A maximum of three extra zones may be purchased. These additional secure zones may be placed on the same the tract a member currently has a secure zone on or a different tract. A member can have a maximum of two zones (1 regular and 1 purchased) on any given tract. Extra zone purchases must be paid within 15 days. The purchase of an extra zone does not count as a zone move.
4e: Open zones (zones not secured by another member) may be free hunted by any member. You must notify which day and what zone you will be free hunting via the club forum. Any stands or other items left in a open zone must be marked with some identification and those items will be available for any member to use.
4f: There can be no more than two (2) people hunting a member's zone on a non-trophy tract at any one time. The exception to this is if there is an underage child physically sitting in a buddy stand or blind with the guest or member.
4g: There can be no more than three (3) people hunting a member's zone on a trophy tract at any one time. The exception to this is if there is an underage child physically sitting in a buddy stand or blind with the guest or member.
4h: Members hunting equipment (stands, blinds, feeders, cameras, etc.) that are left on club properties should be marked using a zip tie or some other method that identifies the equipment with the club and members name whether in a secure area or a free hunting zone.
4i: Members will be limited to a maximum of 3 secure zone re-locations during the year before the September 1st deadline.
4j: Members will be respectful of other member's stand placement as not to cut off game trails, and will not choose a stand site that interferes with an existing deer stand in any way.
4k: Free standing built "box type" deer stands are allowed.
4l: As previously stated, nails, spikes, or other steel objects shall not be used in hanging any type of stand. Marketable timber must not be damaged.
4m: Each member is responsible for his own deer stand preparation and baiting and food plot responsibilities, although we will work together at times.
4n: A hunting year is defined as: Jan 15, YYYY thru Jan 14, YYYY.
4o: Zone movement including trades is not allowed until Jan 15th of any given hunting year. Zone movement ends on Sept 1st of any given hunting year.
4p: During hunt season, light zone work such as camera checks and baiting will be permitted at any time, but heavy zone work such as erecting and moving stands; using motorized equipment; etc is NOT permitted at any time unless ALL zones adjoining your zone are not being hunted that day. If the zones are empty, then the heavy work can happen. If the zones are being hunted that day, you will have to do that heavy work during such time as there are no zone neighbors present. It's strongly suggested that major work to your area happen prior to hunting season.
5: Work Days: Each club member is required to attend at least 2 mandatory workdays (subject to change as the club grows) a year. Workdays will be scheduled as far in advance as possible. Each member should plan to contribute 6 hours per workday. Failure to adhere to the workday policy will result in a $150 fine per missed day. Fines will be paid prior to hunting any property. If a member signs up for a workday and then cancels at the last minute, that will be logged as a missed workday immediately and subject to a $150 fine.
5a: Except for pre-approved absences discussed with management, members will be required to participate on the workdays for the tracts they have zones on. If a member has zones on more than 2 tracts, the member can pick which two tracts he/she wishes to participate on. Side note: For those members that work weekends, there will be workdays scheduled for weekdays as well.
5b: Duties include but are not limited to:
* Posting property lines
* Maintenance on roads and trails
* Installation of cables or gates
* Assisting in preparation of food plots
* Assisting in stand placement
5c: Senior Citizen members are exempt from work day fines but are still encouraged to attend if they are able.
5d: Members that reside in any state where the club does not have land leased are exempt from work day fines but are still encouraged to attend if they are able.
6: Property Checks and Hunting Dates: Members must post on the club forum when they will be on any club tract to do a property check or will be hunting. Members hunting a property without a guest will post in the sub-topic “Hunting the Property”. Members hunting a property with a guest will post in the sub-topic “Hunting the Property with Guest”. This is for every member's safety and benefit. Members will be required to make property checks year round and advise the club manager with question or concerns about the property, as the land owner must be aware of any problems that may arise.
7: Annual Dues: Our club dues for members will be $1450.00, payable in full by January 15 of any given year. All extra zones that a member retains must be paid by March 15. If memberships are awarded after January 15 then full payment is expected at that time, and the membership renewals will fall on the regular payment schedule the following year. Dues are non-refundable.
7a: A late fee of 20% will be applied to payments made after the required due dates.
7b: Dues are to be paid in a timely and orderly fashion by certified check, money order, or Venmo. Please make the annual dues payment without a club manager having to make phone calls and encourage your payment.
7c: If dues are not paid on time, a qualified applicant may be allowed to fill the membership position. The club cannot suffer because of lack of payment by a member, and landowners must be paid on time.
7d: Management will actively seek member’s renewal intentions around 12/01 of any given year. If a member does not reply to management with their renewal intentions by 12/31 of any given year, management will deem that member as NOT renewing and will actively seek a replacement for that member for the upcoming year.
7e: Full Service Military and Senior Citizens (65 and older) will receive a 10% discount on their club membership after proof of eligibility is received.
7f: If during the course of the hunting year, the club loses a lease, club members that have zones in those tracts that are displaced by that loss will be given a pro-rated refund ONLY if the club receives a pro-rated refund from the land owner AND the member has no opportunity to replace the lost zone in a displacement drawing.
8: Seasons: Other game hunting such as raccoon, rabbits, squirrels, or other game animals that may require the use of dogs is prohibited during the entire deer season. The deer hunting season takes precedence over other game seasons if the seasons overlap or run concurrent.
9: Camping: Camping is permitted with approval. All camp sites must remain clean of garbage, debris, and waste. More detailed camping rules are listed on the club forum.
10: Violations: Always follow club rules and guidelines. Report alleged violations to the manager as soon as possible. Alleged violations will be investigated and handled according to the severity of the violation. Violations will or may be handled as follows:
10a. First offense - A verbal warning or written warning will be given.
10b. Second offense - Related or not to the first offense - Written warning or possible expulsion without reimbursement.
10c. Third offense - Related or not from previous offenses - Expulsion from the club without reimbursement.
11: Liability Statement: By submission of the written or verbal membership application, or by acceptance of permission to enter leased lands as a guest, I concede to the following statement both knowingly and willfully.
That some properties leased or owned by Back Woods Hunt Club, and the Lessor are in large part mountainous, woodland or farm properties, of which some have rugged terrain that could be dangerous, causing bodily injury or death.
In consideration for the right to enter the leased premises, I hereby release and agree to protect, indemnify and hold harmless the Back Woods Hunt Club, the Lessor and his or her respective heirs, agents, employees and assigns from and against any and all claims, demands, causes of action and damages, including attorneys' fees, resulting from any accident, incident or occurrence arising out of, incidental to or in any way resulting from the use of the leased premises and all improvements thereon, whether or not caused by Back Woods Hunt Club, or the Lessor's negligence or gross negligence. This release applies during the time that I am permitted on the leased premises. I hereby further covenant and agree that I, my heirs, successors and assigns will not make any claim or institute any suit or action at law or in equity against Back Woods Hunt Club, or the Lessor or his or her respective heirs, agents, representatives, employees, successors or assigns by reason of conditions of the leased premises or activities occurring thereon.
- We will always be respectful of the property owner's interest.
- We will be respectful of our members, the rules and will conduct ourselves in a positive manner.
- We will be respectful of neighboring land owners and hunt clubs.
- We will attempt to greet an unauthorized person or persons located on the property with respect.
- We will not interfere with legitimate business of the property owners, i.e. timber harvest, farming, real estate sales, etc.
- We will not discard trash of any type on any leased property.
- We will remove such trash items found on the property as not to have the club held responsible.
- We will not drive nails, spikes or other steel objects into any marketable timber.
- We will post property signs on trees with staples only.
1: Regulations: We will follow all federal, state and local game laws.
1a: A NC and/or VA hunting license number will be required annually for all members and guests.
1b: Members must agree to the club rules and regulations on an annual basis via an online form.
1c: Any fees or fines incurred during the year must be paid in full prior to hunting any property.
2: Harvest: We are a Quality Deer Management Club only.
2a: Trophy Tracts: Bucks harvested should meet at least 3 of the 4 following guidelines to count as a legal harvest and to avoid a fine. Minimum of 8 points, 15 inch inside spread, 18 inch main beam length, 3.5 years old. To count as a point the tine length must be 1 inch or greater.
2b: Non-Trophy Tracts: Bucks harvested should meet at least 2 of the 4 following guidelines to count as a legal harvest and to avoid a fine. Minimum of 8 points, 15 inch inside spread, 18 inch main beam length, 3.5 years old. To count as a point the tine length must be 1 inch or greater.
2c: Doe Harvest: Trophy tracts may be restricted to one doe harvest per member. This will be determined before the season starts and will be re-evaluated on a year to year basis. This information will be posted on the club forum. If a one doe harvest is in place on a tract, then there will be no doe tag swapping between members. Non-Trophy tracts are not restricted at this time.
2d: Piebald and Albino deer are legal to harvest without meeting any restrictions.
2e: A fine will be imposed on any bucks harvested that are less than the required club guidelines. A fine $200 for Non-Trophy Tracts and a fine of $300 for Trophy Tracts will be imposed and must be paid before the member's next hunt. Multiple under criteria harvests can result in expulsion from the club.
2f: If at any time a club member, and/or visitor fails to disclose the harvest of a small buck, that member will be expelled from the club without reimbursement at the time that the deception is confirmed.
2g: A child's first buck can be of any size and will not incur a fine. This applies only the child of club member and not a guest.
2h: Pictures of ALL harvests (regardless of the sex of the deer) will be posted to the forum for all members to see. Pictures must be posted within 24 hours of the harvest. Failure to do so will result in a minimum fine as described above.
2i: If a member wants the picture of their harvest/trophy to be posted publicly on the club’s external website, it is required that a tactful and tasteful picture of your harvest be submitted. For example: Tongue placed in mouth; blood cleaned up as best as possible; trophy posed in a upright and prominent manner.
2j: If a member is using AGE as one of the criteria to fulfill buck harvest requirements, the member will extract the lower incisors for the buck and have the teeth sent off for cementum aging analysis OR agree to let management estimate the buck's age based on pictures submitted for management review. If the member elects to let management make the decision based on pictures, the member can also submit trail camera pictures of the buck taken over the years to assist in making that age determination.
2k: For a buck that is questionable, the member will not remove the antlers from the skull until pictures have been submitted to management for review, measurements have been taken and management has rendered a decision on if the buck meets criteria. A member can skull cap the buck provided that the antlers remain attached an intact.
2l: All members will make racks available to managers for visual inspection upon request. Failure to do so will result in a maximum fine as described above.
2m: A mature deer that may lack the stated/mandated criteria, will be judged on a case by case basis by management.
2n: Each time a member or guest harvests an animal, including deer, bear, or turkey, the member must submit that information to our harvest spreadsheet or give that information to manager to input as soon as possible. All fields on the harvest sheet are required including the State DNR Authorization# (obtained when the deer is entered into the states DNR system).
2o: Deer Harvests by Guests:
2o1: Guests are limited to one (1) buck harvest per hunting season (regardless of tract).
2o2: Guests are limited to two (2) total deer harvests on ANY given tract per hunting season.
2o3: Guests are limited to three (3) total deer harvests per season regardless of tract.
2o4: So with a "One Buck" restriction, this means that the most deer a guest can harvest on ALL club tracts for any given hunting season are three (3). One (1) buck and two (2) does.
2o5: A member’s spouse and children are considered as a guest for these guest harvest rules.
3: Visitors/Guests: Guests are allowed on a unlimited basis but will incur daily fees. There will be no harvest fees.
3a: Guest fees will now be a "booklet/ticket" type of system and will be purchased in advance.
3b: An electronic booklet will be put in the forum. Each "ticket" is worth $20. Every time you hunt with a guest on a non-trophy tract, your "ticket" balance will be deducted by one ticket ($20). Every time you hunt with a guest on a trophy tract, your "ticket" balance will be deducted by two tickets ($40).
3c: Tickets must be purchased in quantities of five (5) for $100; ten (10) for $190 or twenty (20) for $375.
3d: Unused tickets can be banked (carry over) to the next hunting season.
3e: Guests cannot hunt until you have purchased a booklet of tickets
3f: Deer: Daily fee of $40 on our trophy tracts and $20 fee on our non-trophy tracts.
3g: Bear: Daily fee of $20.
3h: Turkey: Daily fee of $20.
3i: Small Game: No daily fee.
3j: No 1/2 day rates.
3k: Guests under the age of 16 are exempt from the daily fee.
3l: Guests must hunt in the member's zone(s) and be on the same tract as the member.
3m: Guests must submit an online form accepting the club rules and regulations prior to hunting and must provide a valid NC or VA license number.
3n: Members will notify the club each and every time you and a guest are hunting prior to the day you are planning to hunt. Notification should be done on the club forum and must be posted in the sub-topic “Hunting the Property with Guest”.
3o: Guests are not allowed access unless escorted by a club member.
3p: Family members, i.e., children (21 or under, full-time college student, or active military) and spouses are welcome anytime. The same restrictions apply as not to interfere with a club members enjoyment or right to hunt.
3q: We prefer that children hunt with a member, and recommend a "buddy type" ladder stand. Unlicensed children of members must hunt under the direct control (within visual sight) of the licensed member.
3r: It is allowed to take someone outside the club to help place a deer stand, put out bait, etc. We suggest you take a perspective club member.
3s: Deer Harvests by Guests:
3sa: Guests are limited to one (1) buck harvest per hunting season (regardless of tract).
3sb: Guests are limited to two (2) total deer harvests on ANY given tract per hunting season.
3sc: Guests are limited to three (3) total deer harvests per season regardless of tract.
3sd: So with a "One Buck" restriction, this means that the most deer a guest can harvest on ALL club tracts for any given hunting season are three (3). One (1) buck and two (2) does.
3se: A member’s spouse and children are considered as a guest for these guest harvest rules.
4: Stands: Members are entitled to two secure zones in which to place stands (one per tract). Zones vary in size on different properties from 20 acres on a smaller tract to as much as 100 acres on a larger tract. These zones are protected from other members hunting, scouting, or encroachment. This is to ensure our members hard work, time in development, and material investment will not be taken advantage of by other members. No matter what season a hunter chooses to hunt, they will be guaranteed the opportunity to hunt a fresh zone without the concern of other members "beating them to the trophy" they have been working to harvest.
4a: Members can obtain their secure zones in a variety of ways.
4a1: They can claim any currently open zone that is marked as First Come - First Served (FCFS)
4a2: They can participate in zone drawings. Zone drawings are done using a lottery methodology and happen on all OPEN (unclaimed) zones at the beginning of each year AND for zones that come available as the club acquires new lease property AND for zones that are released by a member for any reason. For any given zone drawing, each interested member in good standing (regardless of how long they have been associated with the club), can enter into the drawing and have equal opportunity to secure that zone.
Each year, the first round of zone drawings will be limited to:
1) Establishing a new member’s two base zones OR
2) Replacing a current member’s existing zones
No new purchases of 3rd, 4th or 5th zones will be allowed. After the first round of drawings is completed any subsequent drawings will be open for additional zone purchases.
4a3: A member can trade zones with another member. Members cannot trade zones until each member has minimally paid the 1st installment of their yearly dues. If either of the members involved in the trade leave the club before they have paid their yearly dues in full, the trades are immediately reversed and the zones for the member that left will go into the drawing process. Both members involved in a trade must be in good standing for the current hunting year. No limit on zone trades other than the club mandate of 3 secure moves per year, per member.
4a4: A zone can be gifted from one family member to another family member without having to go through the drawing process. A gift is a 1-way exchange; Family Member A to Family Member B. If family members EXCHANGE zones, it is considered a trade as defined in rule 4a3. A member can do one (1) zone gift per hunting year. A gift does not count as a zone move. A family member for these purposes is defined as: Parent, Sibling, Spouse, Child, Grand Parent, Grand Child.
4b: Once a member secures a zone via one of the legal methods, that member can retain that zone for as long as he/she wants. This allows members the opportunity to work and develop their areas with long term QDM goals in mind.
4c: Default rule set: A member can have a maximum of two zones on any given tract. A member’s two base zones cannot be on the same tract.
The only circumstance that would allow a member to have 2 base zones on the same tract are:
a) If the member had three (3) zones. That would be one base zone on Tract A, one base zone on Tract B and a 3rd purchased zone on Tract A.
b) The member subsequently lost his/her zone on Tract B due to LOSS OF THE LEASE.
In this particular circumstance, the member would not be forced to drop one of his/her 2 remaining zones on Tract A and would not be forced to purchase a 3rd zone if he/she did not want to. If the member did obtain a new 3rd zone, then the rules would fall back to the default rule set at that point.
4d: Additional secure zones can be purchased by members for $400. A maximum of three extra zones may be purchased. These additional secure zones may be placed on the same the tract a member currently has a secure zone on or a different tract. A member can have a maximum of two zones (1 regular and 1 purchased) on any given tract. Extra zone purchases must be paid within 15 days. The purchase of an extra zone does not count as a zone move.
4e: Open zones (zones not secured by another member) may be free hunted by any member. You must notify which day and what zone you will be free hunting via the club forum. Any stands or other items left in a open zone must be marked with some identification and those items will be available for any member to use.
4f: There can be no more than two (2) people hunting a member's zone on a non-trophy tract at any one time. The exception to this is if there is an underage child physically sitting in a buddy stand or blind with the guest or member.
4g: There can be no more than three (3) people hunting a member's zone on a trophy tract at any one time. The exception to this is if there is an underage child physically sitting in a buddy stand or blind with the guest or member.
4h: Members hunting equipment (stands, blinds, feeders, cameras, etc.) that are left on club properties should be marked using a zip tie or some other method that identifies the equipment with the club and members name whether in a secure area or a free hunting zone.
4i: Members will be limited to a maximum of 3 secure zone re-locations during the year before the September 1st deadline.
4j: Members will be respectful of other member's stand placement as not to cut off game trails, and will not choose a stand site that interferes with an existing deer stand in any way.
4k: Free standing built "box type" deer stands are allowed.
4l: As previously stated, nails, spikes, or other steel objects shall not be used in hanging any type of stand. Marketable timber must not be damaged.
4m: Each member is responsible for his own deer stand preparation and baiting and food plot responsibilities, although we will work together at times.
4n: A hunting year is defined as: Jan 15, YYYY thru Jan 14, YYYY.
4o: Zone movement including trades is not allowed until Jan 15th of any given hunting year. Zone movement ends on Sept 1st of any given hunting year.
4p: During hunt season, light zone work such as camera checks and baiting will be permitted at any time, but heavy zone work such as erecting and moving stands; using motorized equipment; etc is NOT permitted at any time unless ALL zones adjoining your zone are not being hunted that day. If the zones are empty, then the heavy work can happen. If the zones are being hunted that day, you will have to do that heavy work during such time as there are no zone neighbors present. It's strongly suggested that major work to your area happen prior to hunting season.
5: Work Days: Each club member is required to attend at least 2 mandatory workdays (subject to change as the club grows) a year. Workdays will be scheduled as far in advance as possible. Each member should plan to contribute 6 hours per workday. Failure to adhere to the workday policy will result in a $150 fine per missed day. Fines will be paid prior to hunting any property. If a member signs up for a workday and then cancels at the last minute, that will be logged as a missed workday immediately and subject to a $150 fine.
5a: Except for pre-approved absences discussed with management, members will be required to participate on the workdays for the tracts they have zones on. If a member has zones on more than 2 tracts, the member can pick which two tracts he/she wishes to participate on. Side note: For those members that work weekends, there will be workdays scheduled for weekdays as well.
5b: Duties include but are not limited to:
* Posting property lines
* Maintenance on roads and trails
* Installation of cables or gates
* Assisting in preparation of food plots
* Assisting in stand placement
5c: Senior Citizen members are exempt from work day fines but are still encouraged to attend if they are able.
5d: Members that reside in any state where the club does not have land leased are exempt from work day fines but are still encouraged to attend if they are able.
6: Property Checks and Hunting Dates: Members must post on the club forum when they will be on any club tract to do a property check or will be hunting. Members hunting a property without a guest will post in the sub-topic “Hunting the Property”. Members hunting a property with a guest will post in the sub-topic “Hunting the Property with Guest”. This is for every member's safety and benefit. Members will be required to make property checks year round and advise the club manager with question or concerns about the property, as the land owner must be aware of any problems that may arise.
7: Annual Dues: Our club dues for members will be $1450.00, payable in full by January 15 of any given year. All extra zones that a member retains must be paid by March 15. If memberships are awarded after January 15 then full payment is expected at that time, and the membership renewals will fall on the regular payment schedule the following year. Dues are non-refundable.
7a: A late fee of 20% will be applied to payments made after the required due dates.
7b: Dues are to be paid in a timely and orderly fashion by certified check, money order, or Venmo. Please make the annual dues payment without a club manager having to make phone calls and encourage your payment.
7c: If dues are not paid on time, a qualified applicant may be allowed to fill the membership position. The club cannot suffer because of lack of payment by a member, and landowners must be paid on time.
7d: Management will actively seek member’s renewal intentions around 12/01 of any given year. If a member does not reply to management with their renewal intentions by 12/31 of any given year, management will deem that member as NOT renewing and will actively seek a replacement for that member for the upcoming year.
7e: Full Service Military and Senior Citizens (65 and older) will receive a 10% discount on their club membership after proof of eligibility is received.
7f: If during the course of the hunting year, the club loses a lease, club members that have zones in those tracts that are displaced by that loss will be given a pro-rated refund ONLY if the club receives a pro-rated refund from the land owner AND the member has no opportunity to replace the lost zone in a displacement drawing.
8: Seasons: Other game hunting such as raccoon, rabbits, squirrels, or other game animals that may require the use of dogs is prohibited during the entire deer season. The deer hunting season takes precedence over other game seasons if the seasons overlap or run concurrent.
9: Camping: Camping is permitted with approval. All camp sites must remain clean of garbage, debris, and waste. More detailed camping rules are listed on the club forum.
10: Violations: Always follow club rules and guidelines. Report alleged violations to the manager as soon as possible. Alleged violations will be investigated and handled according to the severity of the violation. Violations will or may be handled as follows:
10a. First offense - A verbal warning or written warning will be given.
10b. Second offense - Related or not to the first offense - Written warning or possible expulsion without reimbursement.
10c. Third offense - Related or not from previous offenses - Expulsion from the club without reimbursement.
11: Liability Statement: By submission of the written or verbal membership application, or by acceptance of permission to enter leased lands as a guest, I concede to the following statement both knowingly and willfully.
That some properties leased or owned by Back Woods Hunt Club, and the Lessor are in large part mountainous, woodland or farm properties, of which some have rugged terrain that could be dangerous, causing bodily injury or death.
In consideration for the right to enter the leased premises, I hereby release and agree to protect, indemnify and hold harmless the Back Woods Hunt Club, the Lessor and his or her respective heirs, agents, employees and assigns from and against any and all claims, demands, causes of action and damages, including attorneys' fees, resulting from any accident, incident or occurrence arising out of, incidental to or in any way resulting from the use of the leased premises and all improvements thereon, whether or not caused by Back Woods Hunt Club, or the Lessor's negligence or gross negligence. This release applies during the time that I am permitted on the leased premises. I hereby further covenant and agree that I, my heirs, successors and assigns will not make any claim or institute any suit or action at law or in equity against Back Woods Hunt Club, or the Lessor or his or her respective heirs, agents, representatives, employees, successors or assigns by reason of conditions of the leased premises or activities occurring thereon.